Vagelis Plevris Curriculum Vitae

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forskningsinteresser, publikasjoner og andre

Redaksjonelle Stillinger i Internasjonale Tidsskrift

He serves in various editorial positions for academic journals:

A. As Chief Editor

B. As Associate Editor

C. As a member of the Editorial Board

  1. Advances in Civil and Architectural Engineering, by University of Osijek (ISSN 2975-3848)
  2. Advances in Civil Engineering, by Hindawi (ISSN 1687-8086)  -  Editor Certificate 
  3. Buildings, by MDPI (2075-5309)  -  Editor Certificate 
  4. Engineering Proceedings, by MDPI (ISSN 2673-4591)  -  Editor Certificate 
  5. Environmental Sciences Proceedings, by MDPI (ISSN 2673-4931)  -  Editor Certificate 
  6. Frontiers in Materials: Mechanics of Materials, by Frontiers (ISSN 2296-8016)
  7. Heliyon: Engineering, by Cell Press (ISSN 2405-8440)
  8. Heritage: Architectural Heritage, by MDPI (ISSN 2571-9408)  -  Editor Certificate , Section Board Member Certificate 
  9. Int. Journal of Virtual and Personal Learning Environments, by IGI Global (ISSN 1947-8518)
  10. Int. Journal of Web-Based Learning and Teaching Technologies, by IGI Global (ISSN 1548-1093)
  11. Journal of Applied and Computational Mechanics, by Shahid Chamran University of Ahvaz (ISSN 2383-4536)
  12. Journal of Rehabilitation in Civil Engineering, by Semnan University (ISSN 2345-4415)
  13. Proceedings, by MDPI (ISSN 2504-3900)  -  Editor Certificate 
  14. Stochastic Environmental Research and Risk Assessment, by Springer (ISSN 1436-3240)
  15. The Open Civil Engineering Journal, by Bentham Open (ISSN 1874-1495)
  16. The Open Construction & Building Technology Journal, by Bentham Open (ISSN 1874-8368)
  17. The Scientific World Journal, by Hindawi (ISSN 2356-6140)  -  Editor Certificate